Facility management means optimization, analysis, documentation of all significant cost processes based on principles such as integrity, clarity and life cycle. The Project frame agreement for this Service Contract with Agip KCO (NCOC) on facility management for Samal camp in Karabatan, AEWG (part of ISKER Group) has gained new experience as well demonstrating its highly professional approach providing the following services:
— Catering services for a POB of 500 residents and 500 daily visitors.
— Housekeeping services for a POB of 500 residents.
— Laundry services for a POB of 500 residents.
— Leisure services.
— Fire emergency and gas system maintenance.
— Entertainment services.
— HVAC system maintenance.
— Light internal and external structural maintenance for offices and accommodation.
— Maintenance of freezers, chillers and kitchen equipment.
— Pest control, fumigation and dog catching.
— Waste management.